Life through the eye of an Eagle

When an eagle reaches the age of 40, its claws become too long to grab its prey with it. Its beak grew too long and curved, preventing it from eating. The feathers on its wings and chest become too thick and makes flying nearly impossible.

The eagle is now faced with a choice. It can either give up and die, or have a Rick Godwin attitude of “ NOT ON MY WATCH JOHNNY” “NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN”!!!

A long and painful period of change, lasting an estimated 150 days starts by it flying to the top of a mountain and starts beating its beak against the rock for a long time until it breaks into pieces and comes off. It then waits until a new beak grew back. The eagle will use this new beak to tear its claws out. After its claws have grown again, the eagle pulls out its over-heavy plumage on its chest and wings. And then, finally after going through a solitary, humiliating, painful and tormenting 5 months, the eagle is transformed and can live for another 30 years.

We have to listen to the Holy Spirit if it’s time to strengthen our spirit in the presence of God.

Very often, we have to change, and get rid of memories, habits, judgment and bad habits from our past. By breaking these chains and freeing ourselves, it will allow us to live and enjoy the present and believe in a beautiful future.

If you are going through a difficult phase in your life I pray that God will give you a the courage and strength and the heart of an eagle.


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