The Path Not Taken

Two roads forked into an unknown wood
but I could not travel both
And as a thinker, long I stood
And ponder my options as much as I could

Up to the first bent in the abyss

I sought a sign that’s clear,

Which choice of way I have to dismiss.

Maybe the one with more grass and no wear

And early that morning I chose the way

Where the branches grew freely and the summer leaves lay
I will keep the easier road for other another day!

But already then I doubted if I should ever come back.

For the longer in years, the more time one will lack

And years from now with peace in my heart

I shall be telling my stories

And take my travels apart

And I will whisper quite softly so only I can hear:

“The second road in the wood disappeared”

for I… I chose the one less traveled by,

the one that was difficult but filled with adventure.

To experience the world through travels and distance

I made the right choice and it made all the difference

Suzie the dreamer

( my adaptation of – The road not taken by Robert Frost)

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