Life through the eye of an Eagle

When an eagle reaches the age of 40, its claws become too long to grab its prey with it. Its beak grew too long and curved, preventing it from eating. The feathers on its wings and chest become too thick and makes flying nearly impossible.

The eagle is now faced with a choice. It can either give up and die, or have a Rick Godwin attitude of “ NOT ON MY WATCH JOHNNY” “NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN”!!!

A long and painful period of change, lasting an estimated 150 days starts by it flying to the top of a mountain and starts beating its beak against the rock for a long time until it breaks into pieces and comes off. It then waits until a new beak grew back. The eagle will use this new beak to tear its claws out. After its claws have grown again, the eagle pulls out its over-heavy plumage on its chest and wings. And then, finally after going through a solitary, humiliating, painful and tormenting 5 months, the eagle is transformed and can live for another 30 years.

We have to listen to the Holy Spirit if it’s time to strengthen our spirit in the presence of God.

Very often, we have to change, and get rid of memories, habits, judgment and bad habits from our past. By breaking these chains and freeing ourselves, it will allow us to live and enjoy the present and believe in a beautiful future.

If you are going through a difficult phase in your life I pray that God will give you a the courage and strength and the heart of an eagle.


The Path Not Taken

Two roads forked into an unknown wood
but I could not travel both
And as a thinker, long I stood
And ponder my options as much as I could

Up to the first bent in the abyss

I sought a sign that’s clear,

Which choice of way I have to dismiss.

Maybe the one with more grass and no wear

And early that morning I chose the way

Where the branches grew freely and the summer leaves lay
I will keep the easier road for other another day!

But already then I doubted if I should ever come back.

For the longer in years, the more time one will lack

And years from now with peace in my heart

I shall be telling my stories

And take my travels apart

And I will whisper quite softly so only I can hear:

“The second road in the wood disappeared”

for I… I chose the one less traveled by,

the one that was difficult but filled with adventure.

To experience the world through travels and distance

I made the right choice and it made all the difference

Suzie the dreamer

( my adaptation of – The road not taken by Robert Frost)

Starlink rollout to the mobile market

SpaceX’s Starlink rollout in the market is set to disrupt the U.S. mobile market by launching its satellite-based cellular service, which aims to eliminate dead zones by providing text, voice, and data services directly via satellites to any 4G LTE phone. 📱

Starlink uses a constellation of low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites, which orbit closer to Earth than traditional geostationary satellites.

This proximity reduces latency and improves signal strength, enabling high-speed internet and mobile connectivity. 🛜

These satellites act as cell towers in space, providing coverage over large areas. 🛰️

When a user makes a call, sends a text, or uses data, the signal is sent from their phone to the nearest Starlink satellite, which then relays it to a ground station connected to the internet backbone. 📡

Starlink’s technology integrates with existing mobile networks. 📱

By partnering with T-Mobile, Starlink could deliver seamless roaming between terrestrial and satellite networks, providing connectivity in areas where traditional cell towers are not feasible. 📶

The service uses existing cellular spectrum bands, making it compatible with most smartphones without requiring new devices or SIM cards. ✅

Why is this good news for you?🫵

Starlink’s entry into the mobile market will benefit underserved communities, ensuring reliable access where traditional networks fail. 💵

This move sets new standards for connectivity, driving competition, lowering prices, and ensuring no area remains disconnected. 🔛

In essence, Starlink’s mobile service rollout is about transforming the telecom landscape, providing high-quality, ubiquitous mobile service that benefits all users.📱🛜📡

Sources: PCMag, SpaceNews, GeekWire, Engadget, T-Mobile Newsroom, MacRumors, The Register, Android Central.

Becoming the Godmother I always wanted

I am a Godmother

I received the book GODMOTHERS written by @LisaBevere, as a 2033 Christmas gift from a lady that I spend time with frequently last year. When she gave it to me she said Suzie, this is who you are for me.
Let me tell you about me, so you can understand. I love people into a better place. I connect dots and introduce people to opportunities and destiny relationships. I listen to them as they open their hearts. Pray with them. Cry with them.
Why? Because I spend the best part of my life looking for someone like this.
The woman that will listen and guide. Not to tell me what I am doing wrong, but to coach me in living with wisdom. Someone strong in whose shadow I can sit when the heat is being turned up.

As I read page 26 of this book, I felt a chill. “ But… you never sent me a mentor. “
“Lisa, for you there is no mentor.”
Thank you for talking about your life, your struggles Lisa. Thank you for this book.
God knows we woman standing out there in the storms of life like a lighthouse, need to read this book in 2024.

This time I will fight for myself

This morning I got up differently. The storm in my cup got silent. I want to let go of the things I hang into. To fall free. Until the numbness change into pain and I can feel again. I’ll open my parachute and fly up in the sky. Over the clouds where I can see myself alone in the sunlight. Where there’s nothing. And then fly of to meet the me. Not the new me, but the strong me that’s still somewhere between the ruins of my life. I will build her up again. But not with the opinion of man. I will mark this place. For years from now, I will return to look at where it all started. After conquering this mountain I will plant my flag of victory. It will be all worth it in the end. 6/6/23


Don’t know how to do this. Because I never did it before. I said something the other day that shocked me. How did I get here? I am starting to sound cynical. As if I am standing with arms full of lemons. Sour and resentful. The me I never wanted to be. I am standing outside myself looking in at myself. And for the first time in a years I understood myself. I made a lot of mistakes. I cannot recall them all. Honestly, I can just ask you to forgive me. Because to understand, you will need to know some facts. And I myself cannot even look at them. Therefore I want to ask you to forgive me. To forgive them. To forgive yourself. Enter 2023 with empty hands. No bagage. Do it for yourself. You will thank me one day…

Choose or stay silent

When I speak to woman they are quick to tell me they are the sole bread-winners and point out that I have a husband and will not understand. But what I really don’t understand, is that a lot of men are the sole breadwinners and they don’t often use this argument. I say this in context to the fact that women very strongly state themselves as equal ( which I don’t have e a problem with), but still want to play two games on the same playing field. You are either equal as a sole breadwinner or you are not. Choose. You can’t have it both ways because their are people out there that actually listen when you talk.

Perform for a audience of One

Don’t ever entertain the following statement.

“ I don’t want other people to think… I don’t want other people to say…

Mark 12: 30 & 31

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength and love your neighbor as yourself. Live by this and you will do what’s right in the eyes of God. You belong to God, you don’t need people’s approval. Keep your values and boundaries according to His word.

Definitely one for your bucket-list!!!

Knysna Zip-lines South Africa Forest Adventures – Garden Route

As a first time zip-liner, I felt really safe and comfortable during our trip to the Knysna Zip-line Forest Adventure on 1 May 2022. The location was easy to find on Google maps. Hikes between the zip lines is not very far and should not discourage anyone. The venue is very well maintained and the ropes and gear is in good condition. We were led by Steven and Aya, both extremely professional, friendly and enthusiastic. They kept the experience informative while making us feel at ease. The views of the Indian Ocean, deep gorge and cliffs at Kranshoek are breathtaking and the experience is one for the books. There is a braai area with picnic tables as well as clean restrooms. This is definitely a great family activity as well as an excellent idea for a cool fun-packed birthday party. I highly recommend adding this to your trip itinerary for any tourist while visiting South Africa.

On the quest for purpose

Chapter 1

I do not totally understand just what exactly happened to me. Everything was fine up until January. I was disciplined, organised, motivated and taking in new and exciting things.

Then came moving house and this small thing rocked my boat more than I ever expected. The impact it had on our finances and work time was big. The content of your house and lives was spilled out into public. Stuff that has been in cupboards for years is standing around on counters waiting to be boxed. And you ask yourself the same question as your friends coming to help you, “why do you still have this?” One of my friends helping unpack my kitchen boxes were laughingly remarking that she does not even have an idea what a lot of the stuff is for. And I do see her point?

During those 4 weeks moving house, I lost myself between the pages of the days.

I woke up a few days ago to the futility of my life. I had my understanding of my own being darkened. My eyes looked at the world surrounding me through a dark lens. A alarm went of in my mind and I knew I had to send out a s.o.s to someone. I need something to hang on before I drown.

There is people that we recognise as land lifesavers. They are strong men and woman. Similar to lifesavers found on the beach they are not there to enjoy themselves. They scan everything, every second. Looking for danger. Warning, guiding and rescuing. I have a friend like this. Petro. She is on my speed dial.

I send her a message. Please help! I don’t understand what’s happening to me. She send a voicemail back. Praying. Covering me with the love of Jesus, His protection and breaking any evil that might have gotten a hold of me. I pray with her while tears just rolled down my cheeks.

I started my day and got on with my work while feeling nauseous. I cannot eat. It’s nearly lunch time. I took a sip of water. Seconds later my torso felt like it’s being crushed by a unseen giant hand. I cannot feel my legs but made it to the couch. Calling out to my husband. Struggling to breath. He kept on repeating my name while lifting my arms. I start to focus after a few seconds. I look into his worrying eyes. My skin is wet and I have no energy left. He said he think I just had a panic attack. This is not me. I don’t have panic attacks. But the stress left my body. God spilled it out.

I am rethinking my life. I need to be more careful of my self talk. Did I build my own Trojan horse inside my head? I need to spend more time with positive people. I need to get out of the house and live. Breath. I need to visit my family. Listen to beautiful music while making delicious food. Even if I end up eating it alone like I so often do.

I was not born to be beige Polyfilla. I don’t want to fill the gaps in everyone else’s cracks. I want to know my purpose. I want to wake up every morning living my dream. Helping people. And I wonder how many woman is out there, struggling through exactly the same thing. Can I work my way through this? Can I help even one other person while doing this? Maybe I can. I can listen. I can be there like a Petro. A land-lifesaver.